People's Militia (Czechoslovakia)

Country: Czechoslovakia
Details of Formation: The People’s Militia originated in 1948 as the armed part of the Communist Party and was involved in the Communist seizure of power.
Details of Termination: The group was disbanded on 22 December 1989.
Purpose: The group served as a kind of private army to the Communist Party and its main task was to uphold communist rule (e.g. by acting against potential guerillas and undercover agents).
Organisation: The People’s Militia was under the control of the Communist Party and, prior to 1952, the Ministry of Interior. It cooperated with the People’s Army and the Public Security Corps.
Weapons and Training: The group was armed with rifles, (sub)machine guns, mortars and anti-aircraft machine guns.
Size: The numbers reported went from 2,000 in 1948 (Slovakia) to roughly 10,000 in 1949 (Slovakia). Eventually the group numbered 86,494 members in the whole of the country.
Reason for Membership: Members mainly consisted of factory workers.
Treatment of Civilians: The PGM was used to disperse protests against the regime.
Other Information: --
References: Information was taken from news sources listed in the PGMD.

Wikipedia. People’s Militias (Czechoslovakia).