Community Police (Pakistan)

Country: Pakistan
Details of Formation: In summer 2009, the Swat provincial government introduced a program that intended to generate local law enforcement officers. Authorities then recruited civilians to form the Community Police.
Details of Termination: The Community Police was still active in 2014.
Purpose: The main purpose of the Community Police was to fight the Taliban. The government used them to gather information on who might be a disguised Taliban member. The Community Police also made it possible to enlarge the police force; regular police officers were killed, kidnapped or deserted out of fear, and many of the new regular police recruits did not show up.
Organisation: The Community Police is a program by the provincial government. It was designed as a pilot project under the UNDP-sponsored 'strengthening rule of law programme for Malakand division (SRLPM)'. Community Police operate together with regular police, and have connections to the Army chief.
Weapons and Training: Community Police receive formal training by the Army. Training includes counterinsurgency, recapturing buildings SWAT team-style, escorting VIPs and other military drills.
Size: In July 2009, the government was recruiting 2,000 Community Police officers. By October 2009, they had recruited already 2,600 members. A news source from March 2020 speaks of 2,500 recruits.
Reason for Membership: Community Police members receive a monthly salary of $120, which is more than double of the amount most farmers earn, and more than regular police officers receive.
Treatment of Civilians: The Community Police are supposed to protect the public. We have no information to what degree they fulfill this task; neither do we have information on possible human rights violations.
Other Information: The Community Police is similar to tribal militias, but while tribal militias are existing tribes that form an alliance with the government/military, the Community Police was exclusively set up and trained by the government.
References: Information was taken from news sources listed in the PGMD