Al-Zintan Revolutionaries' Military Council (Libya)

Country: Libya
Details of Formation: The group was formed in May 2011 to coordinate 23 militias in Zintan and the Nafusa mountains in their efforts against Gaddafi (Wikipedia). By the end of the uprising, Zintan surged into Tripoli. It became pro-government with the fall of Gaddafi in August 2011. It was loyal to the NTC and to GNC under Ali Zeidan.
Details of Termination: The power of the group diminished after Ali Zaydan was ousted in March 2014 and further when it lost control of the Tripoli Airport in July 2014. It then joined Haftar’s Operation Dignity. During mid-2014, Haftar is considered anti-government, so this PGM is coded as anti-government from the moment it joined Haftar. It later supported the HoR government (UCDP Libya Government). The group is therefore coded as interrupted between 2014-07-01 and 2014-08-04, when the HoR government took over.
Purpose: --
Organisation: The Zintan Brigades are allied to the Libyan National Army. One of its leaders served as defense minister from November 2011 to November 2012 (Osama al-Juwali). Now it is led by Mukhtar Kalifah Shahub, a former Libyan navy officer (Wikipedia). The Al-Zintan Revolutionaries’ Military Council is an umbrella organisation for 23 militias, and has five brigades. The Council enjoys extensive power due to its control over the Tripoli international airport and its capture of Sayf al-Islam Qadhafi.
Weapons and Training: The group is equipped with artillery and armoured cars, and wear army-style uniforms. They received weapons from abroad via the Tripoli international airport that they controlled.
Size: --
Reason for Membership: --
Treatment of Civilians: --
Other Information: The group is considered politically moderate/liberal (Wikipedia). They hold control over the international airport in Tripoli after 2011. It frequently clashed with other city militias. It was pro-government from 2011-08-23 -- 2014-07-01, and again from 2014-08-04.
References: Wikipedia. “Zintan Brigades“.