Executive Outcomes (Angola)

Country: Angola
Details of Formation: The Executive Outcomes company was founded in 1989 (Wikipedia). The contract, which formed the basis of its presence in Angola, appears to be from 1991.
Details of Termination: Although since 1991 the Angolan government repeatedly announced the cancellation of EO contracts due to international pressure, this only happened in 1996. The Angolan government was pressured by the UN and the US to terminate the contract. EO was then replaced by the UN’s peacekeeping force UNAVEM.
Purpose: Contracts awarded to Executive Outcomes included training Angolan armed forces, fighting the UNITA rebels (Wikipedia), and provide security for the Soyo oil installations against UNITA attacks. The EO fulfilled its purpose as they are credited with rescuing the Angolan government against UNITA, which lead to a cease fire that ended the Angolan civil war (for a few years) (Wikipedia). Their relative benefit was its highly trained modern army compared to the less professional forces of Angola (Wikipedia).
Organisation: The government of Angola contracted the Executive Outcomes (Wikipedia). The contract had initially been for a year but was subsequently extended on a regular basis due to the satisfaction of the Angolan Armed Forces.
Weapons and Training: Executive Outcomes was in charge of training the Angolan Armed Forces. It was considered to be a highly trained modern army (Wikipedia).
Size: A news source of 1993 suggests that the EO fielded about 500 men in Angola.
Reason for Membership: Members included mercenaries who joined the EO after having been part of other forces. EO also included members from disbanded South African units (Wikipedia).
Treatment of Civilians: --
Other Information: Executive Outcomes was a private military company originating in South Africa. It was dissolved as a company on 31 December 1998 but re-established in November 2020.
References: Wikipedia. “Executive Outcomes”. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Executive_Outcomes&oldid=1033621081