Peasant / Campesino Militia (Venezuela)

Country: Venezuela
Details of Formation: The Peasant Militia was created in 2010 by the Chávez regime, based on a law reforming the Bolivarian National Armed Force.
Details of Termination: --
Purpose: The Peasant Militia was primarily founded to counter vigilante group organized by landowners that reject the land reform; its purpose is to protect property, companies and peasants threatened by these vigilante groups. The government used the creation of the Peasant Militia to ease public anger against the peasant killings and to show that it is reacting to the problem.
Organisation: The Peasant Militia is structured after the Bolivarian National Armed Force, and as such there is supposed to be military discipline and adherence to act only on orders.
Weapons and Training: The government armed the Peasant Militia with advanced-model Kalashnikov assault rifles. The government also trained the militia, so it can fight together with soldiers.
Size: The total PGM size is unknown, but the local units consist of up to 10 members.
Reason for Membership: --
Treatment of Civilians: The Peasant Militia protects peasants from vigilante groups attacking them.
Other Information: Members are examined and have to pass the following requirenments: moral solvency, not having drug or rape records, ethical behaviour, training, know how to read and write, have civic values, in addition to a community commitment.
References: Information was taken from news sources listed in the PGMD.