Zero Network (Akazu) (Rwanda)

Country: Rwanda
Details of Formation: The group was formed by military colonel Bagosora after the Rwandan Patriotic Front guerrillas attempted to invade Rwanda in 1990.
Details of Termination: It is not clear whether the group was also active during the genocide. But as there was a change in government in 1994, the PGM was terminated.
Purpose: The militia was created to counter all opposition, Tutsis and moderate Hutus and to protect President Habyarimana.
Organisation: The militia was created by a military colonel, but there is no information on who the group’s leader is and how they are organized. Sources report that the group consisted of a circle of President Habyarimana’s close friends and relatives. (Wikipedia)
Weapons and Training: The group is trained by the French, but there is no information on which weapons the group uses.
Size: There is no information on the group’s force strength.
Reason for Membership: Rwandans joined the Zero Network because of their ethnic loyalty and their belief in the “Hutu Power” ideology (Wikipedia).
Treatment of Civilians: The Zero Network is closely linked to death squads such as the Impuzamugambi militia and was linked to killings of Tutsis and Hutus opposed to the Habyariamana regime already before the genocide.
Other Information: A civilian-military death squad that committed massacres before the genocide was unleashed; Instrument of power of the Zero Network, a circle of friends and family of president Habyarimana which masterminded the genocide and was a subset of the Akazu group; accused of shooting down the presidents plane which is seen as the starting point for the 1994 genocide.
References: Wikipedia. “Akazu”.