Green Berets (Bosnia-Herzegovina)

Country: Bosnia-Herzegovina
Details of Formation: The Green Berets were founded in Sarajevo in early 1992 by demobilized soldiers and conscripts from the Yugoslav National Army (Wikipedia). A news source reports that it was formed by the Party of Democratic Action.
Details of Termination: The newly founded Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina integrated the Green Berets in the second half of 1992 (Wikipedia). News sources mention that the Green Berets were brought under the command of the Territorial Defence Force in April and May 1992. They may still have operated with a degree of independence after that.
Purpose: The Green Berets were supposed to further the interests of Bosnian Muslims, by being the armed wing of the main Muslim political party during the war in 1992.
Organisation: The Green Berets were the armed wing of the Democratic Action Party, the main Muslim political party in Bosnia. It was nominally under the command of the Territorial Defense Force. According to Wikipedia, their commander was Emin Švrakić.
Weapons and Training: The Green Berets are trained by former officers of the Yugoslav People’s Army.
Size: Estimations on PGM size differ widely. Wikipedia estimates a number of 3,500. One news source mentioned a minimum of 6,000 in March 1992, another source estimated 30,000 that same month. In April 1992, a news source estimated around 2,000 members in Visegrad alone.
Reason for Membership: Members were demobilized and former soldiers who were mostly ethnic Bosniaks and supporters of Bosnian nationalism (Wikipedia).
Treatment of Civilians: --
Other Information: The Green Berets are also known as “Zelene beretke”. They were mostly active during the war in the early part of 1992 in northern and central Bosnia (Wikipedia).
References: Wikipedia. “Green Berets (Bosnian Paramilitary)”.