Patriotic League (Bosnia-Herzegovina)

Country: Bosnia-Herzegovina
Details of Formation: The SDA party first voiced the idea of forming a paramilitary separate from the Yugoslav People’s Army in December 19, 1990. The Patriotic League was formed in March 1991 by Sefer Halilović, a military commander (Wikipedia).
Details of Termination: The Patriotic League was transformed into the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Wikipedia). The termination date defers to the date when the Patriotic League joined the structure of the Territorial Defence.
Purpose: The Patriotic League was the first attempt of building a Bosnian army independent from the Yugoslav People’s Army (Wikipedia).
Organisation: The Patriotic League was connected to the Territorial Defense Forces. The League’s commander was Sefer Halilović, a Bosnian military commander. (Wikipedia)
Weapons and Training: The Patriotic League received training at Croatian Special Police centres (Wikipedia).
Size: By March 1992, there were around 98,000 members of the Patriotic League (Wikipedia). A local commander stated that same month that his town force had 60 members.
Reason for Membership: Some Muslims and Croats volunteered for the Patriotic League in the hope that this formation would grow into the army of an independent Bosnia.
Treatment of Civilians: --
Other Information: The Patriotic League is also known as Patriotska Liga –PL (Wikipedia). A news source of April 8, 1992 says that the Bosnian presidency approved an order for a merger of various paramilitary groups and police forces under a loose umbrella that was the Patriotic League.
References: Wikipedia. “Patriotic League (Bosnia and Herzegovina)”.