Capois La Mort (Haiti)

Country: Haiti
Details of Formation: The group is coded as starting with the coup on 30 September 1991 when democratically elected Jean-Bertand Aristide was ousted and military Raoul Cédras came to power.
Details of Termination: Group ceased to be PGM on 15 October 1994 when President Aristide returned to power and outlawed paramilitary groups.
Purpose: --
Organisation: The leader of the group was Franck Pierre and it is reported that it was under the broader control of the army.
Weapons and Training: --
Size: --
Reason for Membership: --
Treatment of Civilians: It is reported that the group killed hundreds of civilians from 1991 to 1994.
Other Information: The group is a far-right violent organization affiliated to the FRAPH. Its purpose is inferred from the affiliated group FRAPH.
References: Information was taken from news sources listed in the PGMD.