Naga Merah (Indonesia)

Country: Indonesia
Details of Formation: The militia emerged in spring 1999 as a small pro-integration militia.
Details of Termination: On October 25, the UN Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) was established by resolution 1272 passed by the UN Security Council. The UNTAET was responsible for administration, security, and maintaining law in the transition period for an independent state of East Timor, which was officially created in May 2002.
Purpose: The group was pro-integration and assisted military troops in operations in East Timor. It was formed with a focus on the time after the national election on 7 June 1999.
Organisation: Naga Merah was strongly linked to the military and supported by it in joint operations. It was composed of village units with commanders. João da Costa Tavares had some leadership position within the group.
Weapons and Training: The group was armed by the military, e.g. with guns.
Size: --
Reason for Membership: --
Treatment of Civilians: Rumors of the group wanting to perpetrate attacks caused people to flee. The militia attacked refugees’ homes. Evacuating people from their homes by means of violence was used as a deliberate pro-integration strategy. The PGM was accused of murder, sexual abuse, beatings, torture and intimidation.
Other Information: The group’s name translates to “Red Dragon”.
References: Information was taken from news sources listed in the PGMD.