Village Defence Committee Himachal (India)

Country: India
Details of Formation: The Village Defence Committee Himachal is first mentioned in August 1998. Apparently, the [a former] group existed before the coded date, as one source refers to revival of the village defence committee but there is no further information available.
Details of Termination: Still active
Purpose: The group was used as local support to the security forces in combating terrorists and to organise the population for self-defence against the terrorist threat. It took part in rescue missions and provided border security.
Organisation: According to sources, there were roughly 150 individual groups, which each having eight to ten members. The group assisted the police in operations regarding border security.
Weapons and Training: It is reported that training was provided by the government, but that it was inadequate. In addition, members were armed by the government and given ammunition.
Size: --
Reason for Membership: --
Treatment of Civilians: The PGM was supposed to protect civilians from terrorism, however, sources do not indicate how successful it was in doing so.
Other Information: --
References: Information was taken from news sources listed in the PGMD.