El Tigre (Philippines)

Country: Philippines
Details of Formation: Sugar-growing planters in Bacolod, on the island of Negros, formed El Tigre in 1987. Its formation was encouraged by government policy of embracing community based units to fight the insurgency.
Details of Termination: Through Executive Order No. 275, President Aquino dissolved all paramilitary units from July 15, 1987 onwards. As there is no (pro-government) evidence for el Tigre after this order, the PGM is regarded as banned/dissolved.
Purpose: The group’s purpose was to fight insurgents and provide intelligence. It was supported by wealthy hacienda owners, probably to protect their property from the leftist rebels.
Organisation: The military supports El Tigre by granting licenses for arms to some leaders of the groups and by offering advice.
Weapons and Training: --
Size: --
Reason for Membership: --
Treatment of Civilians: The El Tigre threatened families in rebel-influenced areas and drove 78 families to flee. In late April 1987, they threw a grenade into a bishop’s compound but did not harm him.
Other Information: --
References: Information was taken from news sources listed in the PGMD